Way to Blue Mountains
Got up very early! 7:30, what's that!! Cuz we have to catch up the train @ 8:00 approx., from Wentworthville via Black Town to Katoomba. (btw, met a handsome guy on the train, wonderful morning, and my silly sis keeps giving us surprise ,nonstop! She can't find her mobile phone everywhere, then I found it in a plastic bag-_-! )

Go with our hand-made wraps! That's for lunch!:)

Taking the explore bus @ Katoomba.
It's a damn cold day with drizzle; unfortunately! But we paid, we had to enjoy it! Go~~~~~~~

The bus was so shaking@@! We got off at the first stop, to find a waterfall by walk;
yes, it's "hiking day"--but waterfall is everywhere in OZ, why?

with this funny hat~XD

everyone was funny though

we walked across the stream

then across the muddy path

Waiting for the bus to go to next viewpoint with our lunch

The second stop where we got off is--Chocolate Shop, necessarily and absolutely!

To get some chocolate being our energy!

Watching the production of Chocolate

Finally, let's have a cup of hot chocolate; C'est exquis!

We had a little walk to Waterfall, then also got our energy, it's time to go to Three Sisters Mountain! Yeah, cuz we are sisters how could we miss this! And after three sisters taking picture with Three Sisters, the show went on: an adventure way came to us!

Hey guys, let's go!

We got down and up and down in the mountain!

It's really exhausting but interesting! You'll never know how high is this mountain unless you've been to there!

Very scary hills and stairs, that's really scary to make our legs "trembling"!

What an awesome trip like this (maybe only for Richel and me)!

Aafter Giant Stairway (Hiking for maybe more than two hours!), the view of our way to Cableway was beautiful and the air smelled so good:)) Good things always come after hard work! I do really love walking and that's soooo good to be there:))
Yes! we did it!! Finally!!!!! Then, you could do it, too!

Back to the top by Cableway

The return trip, we decided to take train from Leura (a small but cute town)

What an exhausting day, however...

Everybody, go there and hike there!!!! That's so good and recommended to be there!

And good-bye Blue Mountains, good-bye Rachel, good-bye Dove, good-bye Sydney...
This night, we had a little birthday party; for Tien-Tien and me:)) Her bday is 0430, and mine is 0428!

Thank you Dove, Tien-Tien and De-Zhi, let us feel like at home!


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