目前分類:2011年autour du monde (6)

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Way to Blue Mountains

Got up very early! 7:30, what's that!! Cuz we have to catch up the train @ 8:00 approx., from Wentworthville via Black Town to Katoomba. (btw, met a handsome guy on the train, wonderful morning, and my silly sis keeps giving us surprise ,nonstop! She can't find her mobile phone everywhere, then I found it in a plastic bag-_-! )

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Ferry to Manly with eggplant's friend.Richel (Raquel in Spanish)! lovely place,

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It's a free day! We made cookies together before we left! Mmm, Biscotti is really a crispy & tasty stuff, love it!!!

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@11:00 train from Wenrworthville to Martin place

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4:00 am, when could we get out of here! We just wanna do sky diving RIGHT NOW!! So tired, and the fucking air conditioner! The wind is damn strong and irresistible  lxl! Headache…

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Departure @ Taoyuan International Airport:

Woke up @ 5:00 am! Gosh, so early cuz our flight depart at 8:00; that means we have to check- in by 6:30. Thank God, it only spends about 45min from bro's place to airport. After eating BurgerKing's breakfirst, ready to fly!

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