
雖然每天都有做不完的事要加班,但心情完全不受影響…不禁要懷疑我是很開心有做不完的工作嗎?!奇怪了,成為工作狂並不是我的夢想與目標耶!不過前天費媽竟然說我都一副在法國度假的悠閒模樣,讓她都忘了我是有工作的人…結果今天好巧不巧我同事也跟我說:你怎麼都一副在度假的樣子?!嗯,讓我覺得自己是在搞笑嗎,怎樣啦,明明我就每天都很忙東忙西的在工作耶!一定是太久沒工作,能賺錢的感覺很珍貴也很踏實唄(who knows~)。

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昨天和公司的人去聚餐,沒想到竟然連我的同事也覺得我是個樂觀的人耶。明明就才剛滿月啊,到底大家都是如何感覺出來的呢?? 每次被說樂觀我都好想知道為什麼,到底樂觀的人有什麼特徵呢??

我還記得在明誠樓1樓的陽台邊,姍姍也有這樣問過我耶!【你為什麼能這麼樂觀啊?】老實說我自己也不知道為什麼,因為我從來都不覺得自己有那麼樂觀啊?!過了這麼多年還是沒找到答案;而且人家還一直誤以為我自己是個酷妹的說...所以每次被問時,我都會想起姍姍問我的那個畫面,然後疑惑。原來我也是可以給別人正面能量的人嗎?就像大胸說的能讓她UP UP嗎?如果是這樣的話其實我還滿開心的,總算也是對朋友有貢獻了,嘿嘿。(還是其實是因為我長得比較喜感!!哈哈哈哈,應該也有一點喔~)

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Quand à ce week-end, avant heir, c'était bien; heir, c'était magnifique.
on était invité par Savannah.
Bref, on est allé chez Savannah, Jason, Ivy et moi.

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Let me tell you something about my weekend. yesterday was good... well, the day before yesterday was also great. but these 2 days' happiness were different.

Saturday, i went to the theather to see the stage play which is called 隔壁親家 with my sisiter(and her guy!). gosh, it was so touchful. i almost cried out, several times, during the performance. it's really really a good show that will touch your mind, deeply; nevertheless, i think it touches more central or southern taiwanese than taipei people(they don't know a lot but laughed while i think it's not funny at all... well, it's really a diversity of culture between metropolitans and villagers). it was a story that concerned with the relationship between two country families; some for precious friendship(it would still break up), some for regretful love stories(such a regret caused by their parents' misunderstanding). there are many scenes reminded me a lot of my parents(especially my dad), my childhood in village, the past days of the ancients, etc. and i saw a middle-aged man who sit in front of me, i seemed to see his tears behind his glasses. actually, i was agitated after this show; and i just couldn't calm down for awhile. if i was alone, i think maybe i would cry dramatically...

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  • Jan 23 Sat 2010 15:43


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  • Jan 22 Fri 2010 22:21
  • 3/5


trois dîners dans cinq jours passés; j'suis nulle! 

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Il est la 3ème semaine! je suis en train de m'y habituer, et je vois quelques choses au bureau.

alors, les collègues sont sympas; mais, quant à directeur, je m'en doute... 

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